It's not you, it's me. No, actually it is you.
by Unknown
Ending a friendship can sometimes seem like breaking up a
romantic relationship. Someone's always the 'guilty' one and someone's always
hurt. And that's fine, if you make a decision to remove someone from your like,
that's okay. No one should spend time with someone that's suffocating them or
adding preassure to their life.
But the bad part of that is the backlash. And why that
happens is the thing that bothers me.
Why do women, girls, feel the need to put down others? To
talk badly about other women, to spread lies, rumors about other women? Why
spread hate?
In order to put themselves up? So they can get some sort of
'revenge'? How twisted is that?
I know most women gossip from time to time. The usual 'You'd
never guess who I saw yesterday' or the 'She put on some weight recently', and
that's okay. But making things up and presenting them as the truth is so, so
wrong. And it makes me sad, that someone makes themselves feel better by
putting someone else down. And not only that, but the fact that women do that
to eachother.
It's a tough world if you're a girl, so why does someone
else feel the need to make it even worse? It's women like that, who shamelessly
and continously put effort in creating deceiving images about other women, that
create the imbalance among girls and make things harder. Harder for evenyone,
including themselves.
Shouldn't a woman be
there for another woman? Even if she doesn't know her, a girl should stand up
for the other girl. And if she doesn't like the other girl, if she's mad, no
woman has the right to create deceiving images of other women.

And I'm writting this from personal experience. I'm sad that
someone who I once found dear feels the need to stomp on every good memory we
had in order to prove something. And I don't even know what there is to prove?
How terrible a person (in this case, me) is? If something's between you and
another person, why should it even be bothersome to others?
And even if you are 100% sure that someone, your ex-friend,
is just the worst, it's degrading to talk shit behind someone's back. That kind
of person is just showing to others that he or she is capable of talking badly
about his or hers friends.
Honestly, it makes me cringe. Someone you know turning into
this monster, concentrating on what you do and where you go so they could
create a bad image around you to people who don't even know you. People who
don't even know you! Where's the point? It won't make you feel better. It won't
make you look good or feel good simply because you're not doing good, but the
exact opposite. It's bothering that such a petty act can make someone thrive of
Take care of yourself. Love yourself and the memories you
have, don't destroy them. Don't make yourself feel empty. Every woman should be
there for every other woman out there. Current friendships are important, but
so are past friendships.

Every girl should keep that in mind. Respect others the same
way your respect yourself.