Archive for prosinca 2014

Best and last of 2014

It's been a tough year- such a cliche to start a post. But still, it has been. It's been wild; from adventures to ultimate boredom, from new friendships to 'friendship-over's, new loves and new beginnings. And last couple of months have been hard and there are a couple of even tougher ahead, which causes and will cause a lack of my blog activity, and it's tough for me (cause this blog has served as a vent for the last couple of months).
Nevertheless, it's time to say goodbye with a little 'best of' list I've come up with in between cleaning and baking cookies-

Best new clothing item:
Tough one to start with. Trends are going wild and it's such a variety to choose from. Santa bought me a lot, but I'll have to settle with a Sheinside sequin shirt that came in recently (posted in last post). The top was in a tough tie with my new black boots but they'll get their own post next week.
For those who read the blog more often you've probably noticed my obsession with a certain camel coat (sigh), but since I've covered it so much it's time to give a chance to other items.

Best dressed person:
There's room for just one fashion queen in my heart- RiRi. Pictures say a thousand words...

Best moment of 2014:
So much has happened and I've been to so many places... But from all the going outs and partying and festivals, the short business-shopping trip to Munich is my fave. Just me and Mum and the city for a few days. Pure bliss.

Best post:
There are two categories; most viewed (best according to the viewers) and my favorite.
It's interesting that most viewed was Playful (pre hair-dye era) and my fave is Its coat story part-2. I guess Playful got that much because it was among the first for me to post on Facebook so it was new to everyone. But for me, in Part2 I had my fave outfit and it's and my style. 

Best to watch, read and listen to:
No point choosing the best movie, but I've recently began watching Entourage again and I'll settle it for best along with True Detective.
As for books, people really like different genre. Since Kindle, I've read so many books, but last few weeks I've been reading The Passage by Justin Cronin, something a friend recommended and all I have is awe. It's amazing, fiction genre but even if you don't like it go for a try because it's weighed on characters and not so much on fiction.
As for music, that changes a lot- like with most people it depends on the mood. Here's my recent faves, so give it a try-

Neon Trees - Sleeping With a Friend
Jhen Aiko - W.A.Y.S.
Sia - Elastic Hearts

Best to eat at:
Since school started I've had less chance to eat out or to even post about, but if it came to just one I'll opt for Mundoaka I've written about in Foodie Obsession

I could pick out best from all sorts of categories for hours now, but it's almost 6 pm and it's time to start getting dressed for the NYE party.

I wish you all the best for new year, may your resolutions come true, your looks get better than ever and see you all in 2015 ;)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Like the jingle goes "this the season to be jolly...", and jolly it has been so far. With my nerves on the verge of exploding I've anticipated this winter break like never before. I hoped there'd be time for resting but there has been anything but such haha
Still I must admit, it's been fun doing Santa shopping and baking cookies for the fam; there was actually a LOT of baking- I think we broke the record this year with 10 different kinds of pastries baked in two days, and still counting...
Along with Santa, DHL surprised me in the nicest way- I ordered some dresses and such for New Years eve and to wear these days, but due to the busy season it wasn't expected until January, and it came yesterday -could you imagine the happiness. Like I've bought and surprised myself hahah

Anyway, here's a big happy Christmas from me and my little bro with a pic from yesterday's ballet- it's a tradition to see the Nutcracker every season. We're travelling tomorrow for a quick spa-getaway and hope I'll be able to write more these days!
Enjoy your holidays, spend time with your family and friends and don't forget to be thankful for what you have and give to those who don't! :)

Travel diaries: Salzburg

Do you ever wish to just escape reality and chill for a day, far from home and responsibilities?
Few weeks ago my friend M and I made a random decision to go on an one-day trip to Salzburg to see the advent fair. The whole charm to it was the spontaneity. 
For 24 hours we were able to forget all about school and problems, it was just us and the trip. Our first stop was Hellbrunn castle; a former summer house for the royalty. When I was a kid we used to go there in Easter, and I remember that the castle had a garden some prince once designed as a prank park- with gorgeous statues and murals that would spray water on its viewers. I remember there was a great big table with stone seats and when I sat on it the chair sprayed me and water started bursting from the top of the table. The guy had class even 300 years ago haha. The water park was closed cause it was cold, but we still got some time to stroll and visit the stands.

Later we continued to Salzburg. Imagine a city of 150 000 citizens with 200 000 tourists. Yep. Crowded is a euphemism in this case. Nevertheless, we got so see some cool, festive things.
They got stands to match their crowds; it's impossible to get through them all. 

I'm not that into the whole commercial stuff, but I gotta admit they outdone themselves in decor. Firstly, the architecture itself is too cute, and they have this law that stores must have metal signs like centuries ago, so you're walking through narrow streets full on signs, holly, lights and ribbons. 

And while my friend had a mission to shop till drop, the nerdy side of me was drooling over the architecture. But seriously. It's all very old and pittoresque, the facades are all in different colors and styles. Imagine it with all the lights- seems surreal.

If you're ever going to Salz, there's a place you need to see. It's a shop where you can buy hand painted real eggs. There are hundreds of thousands of them and each piece is a small piece of art (matches the price). I was sooo obsessing over little black Balmain eggs (that's how I called them). I didn't buy them though, they wouldn't go with our decor at home. 
Every egg is practically unique and it takes you so much time to pick out the best.

It was cool and tiresome- we walked for 8 hours straight. But the weather was nice and not as cold as we were expecting. We were so bundled up with sweaters and coats and hot during the day, but it got pretty chilly when the Sun went down- so keep that in mind if you're ever going there.

Wearing Zara coat, pants and knitted sweater, Guess bag, Buffalo shoes and vintage hat.

It was so so nice to escape reality for a moment and just chill. We strolled, had coffee, ate pastries and just enjoyed ourselves. It was a laugh and I'd do it again anytime. Visit Salz, be prepared for rows of tourists and don't forget to eat some Sacher cake :)
Will write soon, xx

Days spent in cinnamon scented small heavens

There are thousands of memes of students exploding under pressure I could relate to right now. It feels like playing dodgeball and you're to only target. That's why there's a lack of posts lately, I don't have time even to surf Tumblr to find inspiration or to even have thoughts that aren't school-related.
But some good actually came out of it.

Well lately I've been studying literally all day- and doing that at home is almost impossible. There's my little brother who's all noisy and wants to play all the time, Mum with a million chores that just happen to be done right at the moment... So the only solution is to camp with books somewhere outside. Library's always a good option, but I don't feel comfortable in those surroundings. So I find studying in calm coffee places a lot more productive. So after visiting dozens of places, I've re-visited a place I've forgotten about. 
Velvet caffee is a two-part place in the center. It's a bit hidden in a passage, so it's safe from the city noise. It's almost always full so you're lucky to get a seat. So I'll start with interior. It's been done by an artist and you can see that in every little detail. It's currently in a festive decor and really amazingly done. The ambient is cozy, dim lightning and a mix of orange and cinnamon in the air. I'm loving the part where it's like an old library, with books you can read while chilling. Plus the menus are glued into old classics, like Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet (how cute is that).

So I've been spending hours and hours drinking tea and coffee (best cappuccino in town) over my books, and time really flew by. Food is good and the offer is daily based so you know it's fresh.
Really a small heaven... And that's what you need when you're on your edge with your nerves. 

Visit the place, it's prefect for cold, festive days, to just snuggle up with some bagels and tea. Hope I'll be able to write soon, xx

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