Archive for 2015

Sretan rođendan Beauty centru Marie!

Netko je jednom rekao "svaka žena je bespomoćna dok joj se ne osuši lak na noktima". Ta simpatična izreka me podsjetila na mojih skromnih 70ak lakova za nokte koji mi stoje u sobi i skupljaju prašinu.

Priča počinje s otvaranjem salona Marie- Mariju, vlasnicu, poznajem već godinama. Počelo je sa jednom manikurom i od tada sam zaljubljena u trajni lak i njenju njegu noktiju Shellacom.


Danas salon slavi godinu dana, a zajedno s njima slavim godinu dana svojih urednih obrva i fantastičnih umjetnih trepavica. Trepavice mi traju već mjesec dana i više sam nego zadovoljna- za slike potražite na njihovom fejsu:) Što se tiče obrva, moje je  moguće ukrotiti jedino tehnikom čupanja koncem, koju sam ujedno i otkrila u ovom salonu.

Osim što cure rade fenomenalan posao, salon odiše pozitivnom atmosferom i ugodnim ambijentom. Velike pohvale curama na odličnom poslu a svima ostalima naveliko preporučujem! ;)

Get to know the name

Few of you maybe remember my collabs from last year- both with photographer I.M., who got me in touch with his own clothing line, Crazy Lazy.
He's now working in Munich and promoting his brand, and it's getting more and more attention on a daily basis.

The brand breathes with easy, chill vibes and goes along with a casual attitude. The trio that's behind the brand works 24/7 on designing and promoting and they've gone pretty far- to read their interview click here
The thing is, people don't get how hard it is to start your own business. Started with few, now they have plenty- they expanded their lines even to kids (my faves, tbh). 
The bases of their lines are simple printed hoodies, Tees and beanies- the point is how you wear it and with what you combine it. 


I love how in touch they are with people who buy their stuff- I think the point is to be approachable and these guys do it perfectly.
See the brand here, browse a bit, they put so much work into this it would be a shame to overpass it :)

Sweet tooth

I have always said that spring brings out the best of Zagreb. The cutest festivals are always taking place after Easter, and in that spirit, a pastries festival took place a week ago. 

Honestly, the amount of cakes and wine back there... It was just too much for me hahah I tried to stay humble and opted for mascarpone brownies with berries at the end (summer is like, a few days away), but there was just sooo many goodies I just wanted to taste.

I wish I went at the evening though, they had a massive pinata fest and there were a lot of wine stands so it could I guess that was fun. The decoration was cute, lots of pixie lights and balloons- super sweet. I love the whole pink thing, it sets you back a bit from all the everyday-dullness.
The whole thing took place in a park in the center, but I think it wasn't advertised much because very little people knew about it. That's the thing I hate about this kinds of happenings- people have no clue about what's going on around the city and everyone's bored at the same time. 

It was worth the calories tbh, I'd do it again any time. Next stop is the Street Food Festival that's coming soon. What's up with these food festivals lately, like no, I don't want to see and eat awesome food just a month before the beach season hits me. 

Anyway, keep up for more foodie fests and my more of my random rants. I'm working on several posts at the same time right now, so it's gonna be a busy month, xx

Denim dreams

So I really really like this denim comeback that's been going on lately (except the coveralls though- too much cotton-eyed Joe going on there). 
This photo set could also be called - "The head scratcher" or "Trying to pose on a windy day", my hair just couldn't be tamed!
Beside the weather, I've been having some bad hair days- don't know why tbh. That day, when we were taking the pics, I just had the worst feeling about it, hence you can see me trying to cover it on literally every pic. I've been trying out some John Freida masks, I even made the avocado mask but nothing seems to do the trick. I guess it's the stress and this hella weird weather.
The denim skirt is something I was trying to get my hands on for ages- and guess where I found it. Zara, duhh. Not a wild guess I suppose since lately it seems like I'm constantly fully clothed in their pieces. The problem is I buy everyday pieces in Zagreb (read- Zara) and for every other occasion I get stuff online but it's so hard to pose around Zagreb in stilettos and racy dresses these days haha

Anyway, this is a cute combo I had the other day- we went shopping and just had the most chilled day. 

 wearing Zara skirt and jacket, Pandora bracelet, H&M bracelet, Public Desire shoes, Michael Kors sunnies

It's a short post again, but I promise to make a few longer ones this week, xx

Back in action

I'll start with a BIG sorry for not writing in ages, but things are getting better in school and everything so I'm picking up where I left. Without further ado here's what's new-

Since Spring is coming, there'll be (I hope) more outfit posts. Winter depressed the sh** out of me and I was in no state of mind to do anything, from writing to shooting.
I'm making huge plans for Summer. I know it's far far away but it'll be the longest I'll have in a couple of next years so I gotta take advantage of what's coming.
New clothes, new ideas, lots of new stuff are coming to my mind and with more time on my hands I'll be hyper productive around here.

This post is actually a OOTD one; my new shoes from Public Desire came few days ago and I'm obsessed. The combo was a bit improvised but inspired by a cute bouquet of flowers I bought the other day. So check it out and don't forget to like, share or comment :)

wearing Zara knit and jeans, Public Desire shoes, LiuJo bag, Michael Kors sunnies, Pandora and Thomas Sabo jewellry

A combination of modern and traditional

After a LONG period, I'm back in action with posting and working. I've been so busy lately but it's no excuse. 
So also after a long time, we've finally been to a restaurant that's worth writing about. I've been to several bistros around town lately but none had something special.
This place, however, had a special twist. We were celebrating Mum's birthday so we wanted something different.

It's a restaurant placed in a newly built resort in a small town in Marija Bistrica. It's in the part of Croatia that's known for its tradition and genuine local food.
The place is called Academia and in listed among the best restaurants in Croatia since 2012. The chef, Tomislav Kozic, was trained in Ritz (Paris) and made the menu with every meal having something special and unexpected to it.
Looking at the menu, you can notice the presence of barley and parsley in almost every meal- which is pretty cool considering that most people take those two as very common and plain ingredients. 
Also, a big plus for the interior- since it's placed as a part of a hotel building they had limited space, but the combination of modern surfaces and secession-like decor give a warm feeling. 

I'm a sucker for the purple-gold combo, so they got me from the start. Also the concept where you see the chefs working is really cute. First time I saw it was when I was little and we were at an Asian-fusion place in Vienna. I'll never forget that- the guy working there juggled a wok filled with food and was throwing fish in the air so you can imagine how it affected a kid. 

When we ordered I totally had no clue what we were gonna get from the names on the menu. I was expecting a barley risotto but instead I got barley with celery and parsley formed in balls and fried with mushrooms, served with friend bacon. Mum had (I think) onion soup with a lot of cheese and someone had cheeses with pork, I can't remember who it was. 

For main dish I had roasted duck with pears, barley (again) and red cabbage infused with spices. The pears gave it a twist, and I like when they combine savory meat with sweet fruit.
The best way to end a meal such as this is to have a good choccolate cake. I had to split it with my brother though, because I was so full at that point. We drank a lot of great grey pinot and laughed a lot, so the whole experience was great.

Hope I'll write soon! xx


A quick ootd shoot- fitted in the one hour gap between school and sketching lessons. 
I call this kinds of clothes 'work clothes' and 'work outfits' because I get dressed around 7 AM and get to change at 10 PM, so it has to get as comfy as it can.. And what's better than a big sweater, right?

hat, sweater, pants, boots Zara, Michael Kors watch, Thomas Sabo bracelet

The importance of having great eyebrows

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then eyebrows are your reflection of self-awareness.
It's 2015 and there's no excuse for having Nike shaped brows, or, God forbid, unibrows. This isn't about what others will think of you, or for the opposite sex- well kept brows should be a part of one's hygiene.

Well now that we've covered the 'well-kept' brows, it's time we move on to 'perfect-woman-crush' brows.
I'm so happy that big 'n' bold brows are back in fashion- I was sick of the thin trend and all the girls plucking everything out just so they could draw new ones... That just makes no sense. 
But after looking at recent pics of my friends and girls/women from all over, all I can do is quote my favorite meme- yaaasss girl, yaaaasss!
The thing is, we gotta work with what we have. And nowadays we work to make it look both natural but bold and groomed. If you've been blessed with natural thick brows then good for you, but girls with light hair or thinner brows need to work it up a bit (but just a bit!).
Here's my train of thoughts considering eyebrow maintenance- 

1. Know your face and know your way around beauty centers

Not all faces suite all types and shapes of brows. There is an universal way of plucking, but if you're unsure in your tweezing expertise, save yourself from a possible disaster and go to a salon (ask your friends for recommendations and never go to an unknown place). I've had luck, the first girl to do my brows never plucked too much, but the girl who does them now works wonders. Truth is, I have a dark facial hair and it's a pain to get rid of it, and you have to visit the salon as much as you can yidda yadda... But on the positive side, it does leave you with good brows, so it's a blessing in a way.

2. Know your colors

There's an unwritten rule that no one, not even black-haired girls, can wear full black brows. I don't even know when the trend started, but a lot of girls (and for some reasons most of those dye their hair blond) tend to make black Nike shapes... But why?? 
Take a look at Kim Kardashian, Megan Fox or any black-haired celebrity- they're all very careful when it comes to darker tones. 
The thing is, the darker your facial hair gets, the more you have to work it to achieve a natural look. Darker hair is more visible and tends to seem more fake than lighter tones. If you google the girls I mentioned, you'll see how their dark brows were just filled a bit at the end and are untouched at the base/beginning. That creates the seemingly natural, but well defined look. As for girls with sparse brows and light hair- keep your natural color but learn the right technique rather than look like you've been playing with markers.

2. Set your goals

Ever since discovering Janice Joostema on IG, I was done. Like, literally done. If I'd ever have a girl crush it'd probably be Janice. With great style and great looks, this girl rocks the most amazing brows. Although her hair and facial hair are far more darker than mine, I tend to achieve this shape and fullness. 
So set your goals girl!


4. Patience

It takes 64 days for eyebrows to fully recover. So if you've screwed up something while plucking before, they won't grow back over night. It seems easy to have full or big brows- just let them grow, right?
Wrong. It's hard to have grown brows but at the same time have them also neat and orderly. And there are times you look like an unplucked chicken but that's all the part of the wait- you have to let them grow, then pluck and style, then repeat again. Your facial hair need to get used to a certain shape for it to grow in.

5. Right products

This doesn't have to be that hard. There are dozens of products nowadays, from plucking, shading, styling etc.
I think everyone should invest in an eyebrow brush- I use an old brush I got as a gift, but it really doesn't matter what brand you use since they are all more or less the same. 
The first thing you should do is to keep in mind to do the brows after applying powder- first brush off the access with the fuzzy part of the brush and then style them. The rest is really up to you, but if you plan on filling, I would really suggest MAC-Brows pen (middle-right, the markings on the pen got smudged off from usage). It's actually really light and you can layer it for definition, also stays in the whole day. For darker brows, I use Estee Lauder Double Wear pen in coffee, which is actually for the eyes, but I found it far more better for the brows (too smudgy for the eyes). Lastly, I recommend brow gel for everyone. I use Artdeco brown- but again, it's for darker brows. Lighter brows would go just perfectly fine with transparent. It gives a more defined and combed look, plus they stay put the whole day.

In conclusion, you want to look natural. I obsess with brows, but only because they make an important part of your face. It may not seem like it, but they frame the face and people do notice if they're overgrown or over-plucked. 
But at the end of the day, you're doing it for yourself. I don't know about you ladies, but when I'm done with my brows (and I am most careful and dedicated to that part of my face) I feel amazing. 
You wouldn't believe, but I've read an article recently saying that the most products bought lately from Sephora in the US are for the brows! So careful with the tweezers and keep it groomed :)

Articles for the interested- 
LisaEldridge (here she uses the MAC pen I mentioned)

Here's an awkward IG selfie, but the brows were on fleek that day

Give us more Paolo Sebastian

If you're planning on googling upcoming trends for this season... Don't. 

I'm serious. Just don't. What we see on the runway isn't necessarily the next big trend we need to follow or buy, but versions of it will flood all the shops we buy in. And look what the runways are giving us (and it hurts my eyes)-

Burberry Prorsum

Bottega Veneta

Gucci (Gucci what were you thinking??)

Max Mara

polo shirt
Tory Burch, Polo Ralph Lauren, Alexander Wang

MM6 Maison Martin Margiela (I'm quietly sobbing while looking at this horror rn)

Dries Van Noten

comfortable shoes Pete Som
Peter Som

roomy denim
Karen Walker, Rodebjer, Adam Selman

Designers... Please... Stahp
We get it- it's gonna be like we're stuck in some 70s meets 90s denim bar with unfeminine silhouettes. But why so unfeminine? Because, TBH the ideas are great, but they look 110% worse with straight, loose tailoring and unflattering ends.

In that massive disappointment I've actually found a positive side, and it's my biggest new crush, Paolo Vasileff- founder of Paolo Sebastian. He's been in the game since he was 17 and now at twenty-something  he has launched the most beautiful, etheral collection of 2015.
It's pure art- although most is haute couture, the ideas are mesmerizing. Girls wearing his dresses look like goddesses. See some of the collection from this year-

The materials look like flowing marble and liquid flowers- it's all just incredible. I'd like to see those kinds of patterns trending this season- not PVC shoes and denim coveralls. 

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