Archive for rujna 2014


School is making me crazy already- assignments are hoarding and there's less and less free time by each day.
So that's why I haven't written anything for a few days, and I have so much to write about. I owe you a second part of Use of abuse, but I'll need a few hours of free time to write it because it's a topic I really want to discuss, so it'll have to take a raincheck.

Last Friday I met up with I.M., a young photographer and possibly an entrepreneur. He's got an eye for trending styles and cool work possibilities. Aside from working with local model agencies, he's working on his own brand- Crazy Lazy. I dare to say it's still in its development- a cool idea of printed Tees, beanies and hoodies. Be sure to check it all here-  crazylazyclothing. Something new and fresh, with dozens of ways to be worn.
I love it when young people take business in their own hands and bring their ideas to life- it shows who's ready to do something with their life apart from those talk a lot but never achieve.

Any way, I look forward at working with I., there might be a few collaborations ahead, but it's all still in thesis for now. He took a few pics from that day, and they're great (even though I was all tired from school haha) so check them out-

Wearing Zara shirt and jacket, Forever 21 beanie, Guess leather bag, leather jeans, Michael Kors sunnies and favorite leather military boots from Munich (forgot the brand)

I'm in such of a hurry so it's a short post for today. Big thanks to I.M., and I'm really looking forward for our future collabs :)

Use of abuse (part 1)

(I'm recommending the article below to everyone, you really should read it.)

Today I'm re-blogging something I found on Tumblr- an article written by Carey Purcell about how trending books are making the lack of self confidence and submissive traits in girls into something that is considered normal. It's never discussed how both characters of Bella and Anastasia (Twilight and 50 SoG) are dull in nature- clumsy, have little opinion about themselves, quiet, timid... and then boom- they fall for the strong, dominant rich guy who surprisingly makes them feel sexy and empowers them. But not for too long, because as soon as they break up it's back to their miserable selves- starvation, despair and sadness because they are no longer in relationships. And it's love when they're with their man but as soon as they're on their own they can't handle it.

When you put it like that; sounds dumb and it's slightly implicating male chauvinism. Of course girls and women can live on their own, right? It's nice to be in love, but you have to draw a line somewhere...
I've read both sets of books and have my own opinion on them- but the article below sets up a whole other view point on things. She put in words something that was really difficult to describe.

If you've read the books or not, this is something everybody should think about.

I will admit it. I have read all three books in the Fifty Shades of Grey series.
I am not admitting this because I am ashamed of my sexual desires or even because I feel the need to rant and rave about the poor writing quality of these books. (And it is extremely poor. I set my Kindle to count how many times the word “gasp” is used in the third book and the total was more than 70). I am admitting this because I feel the need to share my opinions about what I consider to be the incredibly — and dangerously — abusive relationship portrayed in the books.
When I first heard about Fifty Shades of Grey and learned they began as Twilight fanfiction, I swore I would not read them. I have read all of the Twilight books and I did not enjoy them. I found the relationships between Edward and Bella and Bella and Jacob to be patronizing and emotionally abusive, and I also thought the writing was pedestrian at best and boring to read. Why would I devote the limited amount of time I have for reading for pleasure to a series like this?
But as the dialogue about Fifty Shades of Grey increased, both in the media and amongst my friends, my curiosity was piqued. I attended a talk titled “Fifty Shades of Grey - Bad for Women, Bad for Sex” and decided that I should see what all the fuss was about.
To quote the book, I gasped. I rolled my eyes. I even bit my lip a few times. But not for the reasons Anastasia, the protagonist, did. I did out of exasperation, boredom and disgust, but also out of fear. After reading this book series, I am deeply afraid that this type of relationship will be viewed as the romantic ideal for women. And I consider that to be extremely dangerous — much more so than anything that takes place between Christian and Anastasia in the Red Room of Pain.
Could the character of Anastasia Steele be any more of a stereotype? She is an introvert, has low self-esteem, has abandonment issues from her father, apparently has only one close friend who bullies her and even though she works in a hardware store, she doesn’t seem to possess any self-sufficiency aside from cooking for her roommate and herself. She seems to have no sexual identity until Christian Grey enters her life and requests that she become his Submissive in a sexual relationship.
In order to be Christian’s submissive, Anastasia is expected to sign a lengthy and detailed contract that, amongst other requirements, requires that she exercise four days a week with a trainer that Christian provides (and who will report to Christian on her progress), eat only from a list of foods Christian supplies her with, get eight hours of sleep a night and begin taking a form of birth control so Christian will not have to wear condoms. Anastasia negotiates a few terms of the contract with Christian (she only wants to work out three days a week, not four), but all of her negotiations are only within his framework — none of the terms are hers independently. Nothing in their relationship is hers as an independent.
The character of Christian Grey is a rich, superpowered businessman who was abused as a child. He is in therapy, and Anastasia frequently references his therapist, but based on how he treats Anastasia, he doesn’t seem to be making much progress. As Anastasia’s relationship with Christian progresses, his controlling tendencies affect her life more and more. When her friend takes portraits of her for his photography exhibit, Christian buys all of them, because he does not want anyone else looking at Anastasia. (They weren’t even in a relationship when he did this.) When she is hired as an assistant at a publishing company, he buys the company — to make sure she’s “safe” working there. When she goes out to a bar with her one friend, against his wishes, he flies from New York to Washington State that same night, just to express his anger — and exercise his control over her. When she does not immediately change her name at her office (in hopes of maintaining some professional autonomy, given that he bought the company she works at), he shows up, unannounced, at her office, in the middle of her workday, to pick a fight with her. When she asks why it is so important to him that she change her name, he says he wants everyone to know she is his.
Christian’s possession of Anastasia is the cause of much of my disgust and fear of the book’s influence on people and how they view romantic relationships. After they exchange their wedding vows, the first words he says to her are, “Finally, you’re mine.” The control he exercises over her does not reflect his love for her; it reflects his objectifying of her. Christian never views Anastasia as a person, let alone an independent woman. He wants her to obey him, and even though she refuses to include that in her wedding vows, it is exactly what she does. When her mother questions her choice to keep her wedding dress on rather than change before traveling for her honeymoon, she says, “Christian likes this dress, and I want to please him.” Her desire to try some of the “kinky fuckery” in his Red Room of Pain comes from wanting to demonstrate her love for him, not her own sexual desires.
Wanting to please Christian apparently includes subjecting herself to verbal and emotional abuse from him ‘til death do them part, because any time she tries to stand up to him — which isn’t often — he berates her, guilt trips her and beats her down verbally until she apologizes and submits to him. After she uses the “safe word” in the Red Room of Pain so he will stop, he bemoans his sad state of mind later, mentioning that his “wife fucking safe worded him.” He is not concerned with her well-being or why she felt the need to use the safe word. He only cares about how it affects him.
The question that I kept asking myself as I read the books was why Anastasia stayed with Christian, and the answer I found was that she has absolutely no sense of self worth. She only feels sexy when he says she is, and when he insults or patronizes her, she accepts what he says as the truth. One of the passages that disgusted me the most was when Anastasia was at a club with Christian, dancing and thinking to herself that she never felt sexy before she met him and that he had given her confidence in her body. Yes, being with a partner who frequently compliments you can increase your confidence, but Anastasia went from zero to one hundred thanks to Christian. None of that came from within herself. Because of his influence on her, nothing in her life came from herself — her job, her home, her way of life, or even her self-esteem.
The co-dependency between Anastasia and Christian is alarming to read and even more to contemplate. When she breaks up with him at the end of the first book, the second book finds her starving herself and wasting away to nothing until he contacts her again. When she thinks his helicopter has crashed in the second book, she thinks to herself that she can’t live without him. Their marriage only comes about because he is scared she will leave him, and when she asks what she can do to prove to him she isn’t going anywhere, he says she can marry him. Yes, origins of insecurity and desperation are a great start to a healthy marriage.
When Anastasia finds herself unexpectedly pregnant and shares the news with Christian, he rages at her, asking if she did it on purpose and storming out of the house, disappearing for hours. Even though Anastasia thinks to herself that the pregnancy happened too soon in their marriage, she never considers terminating it.
The themes of the novel — that love alone can make someone change, that abuse from a spouse is acceptable as long as he’s great in bed, that pregnancies should always be carried to term even if the parents are not ready to be parents, and the ridiculously antiquated, Victorian idea that the love of a pure virgin can save a wayward man from himself — are irrational, unbelievable and dangerous.
Our culture has seen a radical shift of ideals moving towards traditional gender roles and Fifty Shades of Grey is a shining example of that. Early marriage to one’s first sexual partner, having a baby even when saying neither of the partners is ready to be a parent, and submission to one’s husband as the head of the household are all aspects of life that feminists and progressive thinkers have worked to move beyond. Anastasia and Christian’s relationship is not romantic. It is abusive. The ways he tries to “keep her safe” are not masculine or sexy. They are stalking. Fearing one’s husband’s reaction to an unexpected pregnancy is not normal, because “boys will be boys.” It is sad and dangerous and should not happen in a healthy relationship.
Fifty Shades of Grey was one of the best-selling books of the year. Sex toy classes have been inspired by it, as have new types of cocktails. The film adaptation is already in the works. I sincerely hope that honest discussion will be had about the book and that the Christian Grey ideal of romance is not one that will be perpetuated throughout our culture. The best way that can happen is through open, honest dialogue that leads to healthy relationships of two equal partners. That, in my opinion, is sexier than anything that can happen in the Red Room of Pain."

Art decay

There's art and then there are some things you just can't specify. 
Artist Valerie Hegarty put a whole new meaning into decay and growing art. Cracked walls, broken frames, destroyed canvas... are just some of many inspirations and backgrounds for her art.
I'm no art critic, but I think there's a lot going on here; an idea of a man's struggle to break himself from nature and how we fail at it.
I think it shows how civilization is destroying nature, and it can be beautiful, but also devastating. Its both scary, charming, frightening and breathtaking.

Define it as you want, but one is sure- her work is amazing and unique, and I wish to see it one day in person.

Cat in a hat

One of the newest obsessions for the past couple of days have been... (drum roll) ...hats, hats and hats.

If it cold, windy, dark, day... The hat is your best friend.
And I'm crazy about them, when it gets colder I don't take them off. And recently I bought one from Zara; it's a green cowboy-kind of looking piece, and it completely got me in awe (yeah, hats do that to me haha). But I can't wait to wear other, too.
I've been wearing it on dresses, orange jackets, leather, in 11 p.m. ... Anywhere anytime. It took my obsession from my last year's favorite; a black pressed hat with a big brim and studs. 
This was yet another quick shoot done after a great lunch in a restaurant I'll be writing about soon. I wore full black and must admit this is not my fave combo with the hat, but what can you do. I hope I'll redo a combo from a few days ago, that took the hat to a whole new other level.

I look SO blond here, unreal

I'm wearing Zara hat, top, shoes and bag, leather pants, Michael Kors sunnies and Pandora bracelet. 


A few months ago I was searching for Disclosure's tour dates and locations and stumbled upon the Unknown festival. It wasn't promoted in Croatia and 99% of people never heard of it, but it had dozens of artist and was turbo popular in Britain and Germany.
So a few friends of mine and I said why the hell not and went to see what was it all about.

All photos are from my phone and Instagram

The festival was set in a camp outside Rovinj (also my fave city on the coast). It's a big campus with five stages set throughout; main on the beach, a few in different forests, some hidden and such. The whole place was amazing and decorated in a cute, even hipster way. They organized paint fights, boat parties, beach after party raves...
Hammocks, tents, weird art installations and other stuff decorated the site. But what amazed me most was the vibe and good feels that were ever present- everyone was just so happy and in a great mood. Also, I didn't hear a single person speak Croatian; most people were Britain with some German and other. It was like someone transferred a festival from London directly to Croatia, without changing the crowd. I just LOVED the glitter makeup, boho clothes, all the styles and costumes people wore.

About the music; I must admit I've not heard about most of the artist but the good thing is they were all surprisingly good. Main stage was always a show, featuring artist like Jungle, London Grammar, Moderat, dj Ten Walls... It was something different from Ultra and other electro-music happenings. This was all about chilling and good time. I only wish we had the weather for swimming and laying in the beach. It was cold the last few days and even rainy. 

I think I got deaf at this point-

But all in all it was great, and I'm reading the comments on Facebook and people are praising, going on how it was one of the best festivals this year. My ultimate plan is to get to Siget next year, so we can say this was a warmup?

For more, check out my Instagram, will write soon xx

Travel Diaries: short one about Munich

Every year, Mum and I travel at least two times to Munich. Mum goes for business, I assist but I'm in it for the shopping and all the chills. 

The fair, called Fabric Start, is a big event and goes for a few days. It's really cool to see all the upcoming color trends and materials. We pick materials and design new clothing on-site. It's demanding but also real fun if you're into that kind of stuff.

(All photos here were taken with my phone and most are from my Instagram, so ignore the quality)

The rest is all about drinking good coffee and simply chilling. The city's gorgeous, one of my faves. It's both urban and full of old buildings, plus everyone's good looking and dresses real good.
We stay at a cute little old-but-gold hotel called Torbrau that's like 5 minutes walk from the main square.

But, as it goes with me and my luck, I got really sick on the trip this time. We arrived around 8 am, and by 10 I was hot with a fever and dropping med pills like candy. So shopping was a bit of a downer cause I really wasn't in a mood, but I still managed to grab some new makeup and a few good pieces. Plus a three floor Forever 21 opened so I had to sniff around there a bit.

It's my Mum in a casual leather jacket and little-old-me shivering under a huge scarf and ten layers...

Anyway it was a relaxation for both mind and body. I really hope we'll make it to the fair that's going around February (just in time to catch a prom dress, maybe?)

Will write soon about the trip to Unknown Festival, xx

Smells like Fall

It's almost Fall- my favorite time of the year. I must admit, cold suits me more than the heat. Plus, the clothing in this season is always gorgeous. Fall's just great- everyone's still got traces of tan from Summer, school's at its start so it still isn't that stressful, it's cold but not that cold and everyone's wearing leather jackets and big scarves... I almost can't wait for it, and for Summer to end.
Being in that mood, I tried out a combo few days ago. It's already starting to get cold so I tried out some new stuff I bought for colder weather. It's really fun and colorful and it's also something I'll be wearing for my next trip to Munich.

It was a really quick shoot- we were over in 5 minutes haha

Animal prints are always a safe zone, but this zebra print seems fresh and goes great on jeans, leather, ripped... And with the faux fur vest it felt even a bit retro. Mustard pants make the combo fully Fall-like. The golden mustard is a big one this season, I was checking out Pantone's color report and it's all over it, going with pale blues and beiges, and with dark sea-weed greens and browns. For the boys it's pale beiges and cappuccino colors.
About the trip- Mum and I go to Munich every fall for the Munich Fabric Start. It's a fabric fair and Mum goes there for color and style insights she need for work. We spend a whole day at the fair (it's really REALLY huge- one of the biggest ones in Europe) and then spend the next having great coffee and shopping in Munich center. It's like a mini vacation for us and we always have a great time. 
The fair's also great to visit cause you get all the info about next season's trends and color reports. Mum makes me her secretary and it's a lot of work for me too out there- meeting new business associates, gathering samples, looking for innovations in fabric produce... 
I'll write when I get back, but it'll be a busy few weeks ahead of me cause this Sunday I'm going to Unknown festival in Rovinj with some friends so I'll be MIA for a week or so.
Write as soon as I can, xx

Shirt and vest are H&M, pants, sunnies and bag are Zara, shoes are Topshop, bracelet and necklace are Zaks, watch is Michael Kors.

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