Relationships: perks and how it works

Even if you confess your ‘eternal’ love for someone and they 

accept it, the hardest part of loving someone is knowing 

HOW to do that, in a way that you love them just right and 

don’t leave yourself behind in the process. Who is a good 

— Oshin Ahlawat

Lately I've found myself in a lot of conversations about love, commitment and romantic relationships.
We're all around our twenties, some almost there, some far up ahead, and it's intersting how people I know have diverse opinions about relationships and sharing emotions.

It's natural that each person has their own idea or somewhat of a plan for a near or even a distant future, and wether it includes a significant other or not. And we shape our viewpoints and ideas based on our own experiences.

For the longest I believed that there is no such thing as a full, one hundred percent honest relationship. Or a calm one, for that matter- I truly believed that it's normal for people to argue and fight on a regular basis.
Most of these I saw in my friends or heard about. As we were teens there was always some drama around. 
But it's been almost a year since G and I just clicked and I'm now fully convinced that a one-hundred percent honest relationship exists, and you really can have a best friend and a lover, all in one person. And the kind of relationship where you don't argue and can actually agree on things actually exists.

A relationship with no jelaousy or spite isn't just a concept.

What I wanted to write about for the longest was what I think are the basis for a relationship, and what is in my opinion a healthy relationship. I really don't want this to look like a' Cosmopolitan - 10 tips to make sure he's The One' kind of thing, just some things I've learned in the past year.

The first thing people often forget about is to question yourself if you are able to commit to someone. Are you able to be there for someone, no matter what? It's not as easy as it sounds. You have to give in order to receive, no relationship is one-sided. You compromise, you forgive, you take care of someone. If you're lucky enough that someone is willing to hand you their trust, you must know if you are capable of retaining that trust.

Secondly, there is no such thing as the 'first three months' period, where everything's great and then you start becoming yourself, and guys stop opening doors and girls start getting jelaous.
No. That's not real. Who you are on the first date is the same person you are on your 50th anniversary. I hate it when my girlfirends complain how guys started acting funny, and then said that it was expected, as you know, 'guys are always nicer at the beginning'. That's soooo wrong. If you or your significant other start showing other sides of yourselves after some time, that's simply lying and deceiving. That's something I maybe hate most, because it shows that there was no respect from the beginning.

And respect is maybe the most important thing there is in a relationship. It all starts with respect. You should respect and be respected enough so that you're not being lyed to (or be the one that's lying). That standds for jelaousy too. I love the proverb 'it takes two to tango' because it's so true for a lot of things. Jelaousy, for instance is something I believe very few people carry in themselves. I truly believe that almost no one is jelaous by nature, rather that it's something one person creates for the other. If a woman is jelaous, that means that her man is giving her reasons to be, and vice versa.
And if you don't believe someone enough that you have to check up on them, you should rethink your status. It's harsh, but someone you don't believe will stay faithfull on a nightout is not someone you should be on a long-term. Through time, that angst will slowly eat you out and make you miserable.

And when you've found that one person who you just click with and things are really good, there's still some work to do. Like any relationship, from business to friendship, even the romantic ones need constant work. It's just like that. You can never get lazy. Treat your other the same way you want to be treated. Like I said, no relationship is one-sided.

I just hate seeing people love eachother dearly and then it all falling apart because, after some time, it gets obvious that they just weren't right. It's heartbreaking when at first your insticts guide you through and it's so so beautiful, but as time goes, someone realizes that they're not ready or that it's just too much. And everyone should recognize that moment and know when it's time to leave. It's even worse to keep someone hurting, or even yourself. I always repeat the same line to all of my friends- if they love you they wouldn't want to hurt you. People are keen on hanging onto thing that we're once beautiful in hopes that it'll get better again, but everyone should be real to themselves. If deep down you know it's not going to be better, it's time to go.

Love yourself enough to know when it's time to let go, because hurting gets you nowhere.
I think the feeling of being madly in love never fades away. It's so beautiful. It makes you truly, hoenstly, want to make the other person happy. And when you do it's the best feeling in the world.

Staying true to yourself is so so important, but also not changing, being honest to yourself and respecting yourself and the significant other, too.

It's not you, it's me. No, actually it is you.

Ending a friendship can sometimes seem like breaking up a romantic relationship. Someone's always the 'guilty' one and someone's always hurt. And that's fine, if you make a decision to remove someone from your like, that's okay. No one should spend time with someone that's suffocating them or adding preassure to their life.

But the bad part of that is the backlash. And why that happens is the thing that bothers me.

Why do women, girls, feel the need to put down others? To talk badly about other women, to spread lies, rumors about other women? Why spread hate?

In order to put themselves up? So they can get some sort of 'revenge'? How twisted is that?

I know most women gossip from time to time. The usual 'You'd never guess who I saw yesterday' or the 'She put on some weight recently', and that's okay. But making things up and presenting them as the truth is so, so wrong. And it makes me sad, that someone makes themselves feel better by putting someone else down. And not only that, but the fact that women do that to eachother.

It's a tough world if you're a girl, so why does someone else feel the need to make it even worse? It's women like that, who shamelessly and continously put effort in creating deceiving images about other women, that create the imbalance among girls and make things harder. Harder for evenyone, including themselves.

 Shouldn't a woman be there for another woman? Even if she doesn't know her, a girl should stand up for the other girl. And if she doesn't like the other girl, if she's mad, no woman has the right to create deceiving images of other women.

And I'm writting this from personal experience. I'm sad that someone who I once found dear feels the need to stomp on every good memory we had in order to prove something. And I don't even know what there is to prove? How terrible a person (in this case, me) is? If something's between you and another person, why should it even be bothersome to others?
And even if you are 100% sure that someone, your ex-friend, is just the worst, it's degrading to talk shit behind someone's back. That kind of person is just showing to others that he or she is capable of talking badly about his or hers friends.

Honestly, it makes me cringe. Someone you know turning into this monster, concentrating on what you do and where you go so they could create a bad image around you to people who don't even know you. People who don't even know you! Where's the point? It won't make you feel better. It won't make you look good or feel good simply because you're not doing good, but the exact opposite. It's bothering that such a petty act can make someone thrive of it.

Take care of yourself. Love yourself and the memories you have, don't destroy them. Don't make yourself feel empty. Every woman should be there for every other woman out there. Current friendships are important, but so are past friendships.

Every girl should keep that in mind. Respect others the same way your respect yourself.

Back at it again

How to start a post after a one year gap?
Not easy.

It's been a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences for the past year and a lot has changed. I haven't 'blogged' about any of it because I needed time to adjust myself, from new friends, new love to new surroundings.

I think it's best to just recap a few things because what I'm going to be writting about from now on is going to be a little different than before.

For starters, I got into collge, architecture, which was somewhat of a dream. And it's been tough. I'd even say it's kind of a love-hate relationship, where I adore what I do but it's just so challenging at times. But again, it's beautiful and I got to meet some great new people. College might be the number one reason I haven't been writting or posting pics. It's a whole new world and it's filled of responsibilities, chores, assignments...

But I missed this, a place of some kind of escape from reality, where this virtual reality lets me think about trivial things like trends and spaces for a bit.
A lot of people asked me about this blog and why I stopped and I always said I didn't fully stop and it was just a pause. And it was. WAS.

I won't be writting about things that happened in the past year,  although there would be a lot to write about in detail. So here's the short version (and some cute pics)-

The summer was great, we got to chill a lot after our final exams. I got to see Zurich with D and Venice, met some amazing new people while traveling. Then college started and I really really like it, even when there were sleepless nights and dozens of coffee mugs piling up on my desk, I can say it was worth it and still is.

New Year I spent on the lake Bled with my love G and some friends. It was a beatiful experience which also created a new chapter in my life called AirBNB. I'm probably the last person on Earth to discover it, but it opened a door to some new ideas on traveling.

And now it's 2016 and there are really big things going on. With college being a great part of my life now, most of my posts will probably, at some point, center on spaces and interiors or just things that put emphasys on creativity. Who read this blog before knows how much I love everything there is to be about clothes, styles and posting pics about what I wore, but there just isn't enough time for me to do some of those things anymore.

A project for college

So I'm back at this again, this therapy of mine, writting and posting pictures, with the same idea as before- what spikes my interest, I'll write about. If you like it- read it, or just scroll to see the pics. If not, doesn't matter.

Have a great weekend and I really can't wait to write some more. xx

pictures are in order from: Venice, Graz, Lošinj, Zurich, Rovinj, Bled and Zagreb

Sretan rođendan Beauty centru Marie!

Netko je jednom rekao "svaka žena je bespomoćna dok joj se ne osuši lak na noktima". Ta simpatična izreka me podsjetila na mojih skromnih 70ak lakova za nokte koji mi stoje u sobi i skupljaju prašinu.

Priča počinje s otvaranjem salona Marie- Mariju, vlasnicu, poznajem već godinama. Počelo je sa jednom manikurom i od tada sam zaljubljena u trajni lak i njenju njegu noktiju Shellacom.


Danas salon slavi godinu dana, a zajedno s njima slavim godinu dana svojih urednih obrva i fantastičnih umjetnih trepavica. Trepavice mi traju već mjesec dana i više sam nego zadovoljna- za slike potražite na njihovom fejsu:) Što se tiče obrva, moje je  moguće ukrotiti jedino tehnikom čupanja koncem, koju sam ujedno i otkrila u ovom salonu.

Osim što cure rade fenomenalan posao, salon odiše pozitivnom atmosferom i ugodnim ambijentom. Velike pohvale curama na odličnom poslu a svima ostalima naveliko preporučujem! ;)

Get to know the name

Few of you maybe remember my collabs from last year- both with photographer I.M., who got me in touch with his own clothing line, Crazy Lazy.
He's now working in Munich and promoting his brand, and it's getting more and more attention on a daily basis.

The brand breathes with easy, chill vibes and goes along with a casual attitude. The trio that's behind the brand works 24/7 on designing and promoting and they've gone pretty far- to read their interview click here
The thing is, people don't get how hard it is to start your own business. Started with few, now they have plenty- they expanded their lines even to kids (my faves, tbh). 
The bases of their lines are simple printed hoodies, Tees and beanies- the point is how you wear it and with what you combine it. 


I love how in touch they are with people who buy their stuff- I think the point is to be approachable and these guys do it perfectly.
See the brand here, browse a bit, they put so much work into this it would be a shame to overpass it :)

Sweet tooth

I have always said that spring brings out the best of Zagreb. The cutest festivals are always taking place after Easter, and in that spirit, a pastries festival took place a week ago. 

Honestly, the amount of cakes and wine back there... It was just too much for me hahah I tried to stay humble and opted for mascarpone brownies with berries at the end (summer is like, a few days away), but there was just sooo many goodies I just wanted to taste.

I wish I went at the evening though, they had a massive pinata fest and there were a lot of wine stands so it could I guess that was fun. The decoration was cute, lots of pixie lights and balloons- super sweet. I love the whole pink thing, it sets you back a bit from all the everyday-dullness.
The whole thing took place in a park in the center, but I think it wasn't advertised much because very little people knew about it. That's the thing I hate about this kinds of happenings- people have no clue about what's going on around the city and everyone's bored at the same time. 

It was worth the calories tbh, I'd do it again any time. Next stop is the Street Food Festival that's coming soon. What's up with these food festivals lately, like no, I don't want to see and eat awesome food just a month before the beach season hits me. 

Anyway, keep up for more foodie fests and my more of my random rants. I'm working on several posts at the same time right now, so it's gonna be a busy month, xx

Denim dreams

So I really really like this denim comeback that's been going on lately (except the coveralls though- too much cotton-eyed Joe going on there). 
This photo set could also be called - "The head scratcher" or "Trying to pose on a windy day", my hair just couldn't be tamed!
Beside the weather, I've been having some bad hair days- don't know why tbh. That day, when we were taking the pics, I just had the worst feeling about it, hence you can see me trying to cover it on literally every pic. I've been trying out some John Freida masks, I even made the avocado mask but nothing seems to do the trick. I guess it's the stress and this hella weird weather.
The denim skirt is something I was trying to get my hands on for ages- and guess where I found it. Zara, duhh. Not a wild guess I suppose since lately it seems like I'm constantly fully clothed in their pieces. The problem is I buy everyday pieces in Zagreb (read- Zara) and for every other occasion I get stuff online but it's so hard to pose around Zagreb in stilettos and racy dresses these days haha

Anyway, this is a cute combo I had the other day- we went shopping and just had the most chilled day. 

 wearing Zara skirt and jacket, Pandora bracelet, H&M bracelet, Public Desire shoes, Michael Kors sunnies

It's a short post again, but I promise to make a few longer ones this week, xx

Back in action

I'll start with a BIG sorry for not writing in ages, but things are getting better in school and everything so I'm picking up where I left. Without further ado here's what's new-

Since Spring is coming, there'll be (I hope) more outfit posts. Winter depressed the sh** out of me and I was in no state of mind to do anything, from writing to shooting.
I'm making huge plans for Summer. I know it's far far away but it'll be the longest I'll have in a couple of next years so I gotta take advantage of what's coming.
New clothes, new ideas, lots of new stuff are coming to my mind and with more time on my hands I'll be hyper productive around here.

This post is actually a OOTD one; my new shoes from Public Desire came few days ago and I'm obsessed. The combo was a bit improvised but inspired by a cute bouquet of flowers I bought the other day. So check it out and don't forget to like, share or comment :)

wearing Zara knit and jeans, Public Desire shoes, LiuJo bag, Michael Kors sunnies, Pandora and Thomas Sabo jewellry

A combination of modern and traditional

After a LONG period, I'm back in action with posting and working. I've been so busy lately but it's no excuse. 
So also after a long time, we've finally been to a restaurant that's worth writing about. I've been to several bistros around town lately but none had something special.
This place, however, had a special twist. We were celebrating Mum's birthday so we wanted something different.

It's a restaurant placed in a newly built resort in a small town in Marija Bistrica. It's in the part of Croatia that's known for its tradition and genuine local food.
The place is called Academia and in listed among the best restaurants in Croatia since 2012. The chef, Tomislav Kozic, was trained in Ritz (Paris) and made the menu with every meal having something special and unexpected to it.
Looking at the menu, you can notice the presence of barley and parsley in almost every meal- which is pretty cool considering that most people take those two as very common and plain ingredients. 
Also, a big plus for the interior- since it's placed as a part of a hotel building they had limited space, but the combination of modern surfaces and secession-like decor give a warm feeling. 

I'm a sucker for the purple-gold combo, so they got me from the start. Also the concept where you see the chefs working is really cute. First time I saw it was when I was little and we were at an Asian-fusion place in Vienna. I'll never forget that- the guy working there juggled a wok filled with food and was throwing fish in the air so you can imagine how it affected a kid. 

When we ordered I totally had no clue what we were gonna get from the names on the menu. I was expecting a barley risotto but instead I got barley with celery and parsley formed in balls and fried with mushrooms, served with friend bacon. Mum had (I think) onion soup with a lot of cheese and someone had cheeses with pork, I can't remember who it was. 

For main dish I had roasted duck with pears, barley (again) and red cabbage infused with spices. The pears gave it a twist, and I like when they combine savory meat with sweet fruit.
The best way to end a meal such as this is to have a good choccolate cake. I had to split it with my brother though, because I was so full at that point. We drank a lot of great grey pinot and laughed a lot, so the whole experience was great.

Hope I'll write soon! xx

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