Archive for travnja 2014

Travel essentials

This morning, we're going to Dubrovnik for a couple of days. I'll write about Dubrovnik later, first I need to say something about packing.
I HATE PACKING. Packing's the momet you realise you actually have much more cute stuff to wear than you thought you do. That's the moment you realise that, no matter how hard you try, there are alwys much more combinations for you to wear than that are days on your holiday trip.
So you need to make a selection, bla bla bla, who the hell can make a best selection of your clothes? I love all my clothes equally, not to mention my shoes - they're like my babies.
And at packing, there's two type of luggage - clothes, shoes and cosmetics, and then there are things you need to have by your side, hand-luggage.
It's not the best solution, but I like to have all my important things beside me (when traveling via airplane, I tend to get really stressed about losing luggage so I stuff everything beside me).
Usually I take a big bag and just fill it till it's impossible for me to handle. This time I packed a bit lightly, more smart I think haha
So what are my essentials?

First, sunnies. I like my RayBans most, even tough I packed all of them in luggage haha Next, earphones, whom I'd be lost without. It's very important to stay hydrated while traveling, so as much liquid as you can carry. I brought Arizona pomergranate, but also water. I found some architect magazines recently, they're super cool- croatian tough, but aestheticly very nice and easy to read.
A good read is what makes a journey durable. I would recomend Valentina from writer Evie Blake. It's a passionate novel, very sensual, intentse and about omen who are liberating themselves. I bought it on the way from Canary this winter and it's really good. It's a kind of a ritual for me- everywhere I travel, it's a must to buy a book like a souvenir, but also something to ease the time.

Considering cosmetics, most important is to have a good facial cream (that can be used as a hand cream, too). This Nuxe cream is excellent, very refreshing and gentle. My face tends to get very dry from airconditioning, but I guess we all have that problem. *notice hod bad my nails are chipped*

As for makeup, this time less is more. You don't want to travel all day, be half asleep most of the time and then arive to your destination half smudged and stained? I think not.
So minimum foundation and powder (MAC) - maybe just a concealer (Shiseido). I usually put on mascara (Illamasqua) and rouge (MAC) before ariving- a way to wake me up and also I really don't like when receptionists in fancy hotels look down on me cause of my tired look.

And last but not leat- food.
The big problem I almost always run into is eating so much garbage while traveling. Mum makes sandwiches, we take stops on coffee points, eat crisps, drink soda... Yuck yuck yuck. With all my recent work to stay healthy, I can't imagine myself goarging in chips and dips.
So here's the solution- I made my own firt Maison jar. For those who don't know what a Mason jar is- it's a plain jar with food in it, mostly fruits, cereal or salads. I made mine with roast leftovers from today, avocado and steemed kale- the whole jar is worth 300 calories and it's very very heatly and light. The worse is to have to travel while bloated or feeling heavy.
Also, for a snack I packed a banana and strawberries.
Here are a few good sites to check out if you're interested in clean, healthy eating, but don't have much time. They're really interesting and maybe will hit you with an idea or two-

Last but not leas, few links to songs that are on repeat lately-
Chromeo - Jelaous (Ain't with it) [Chainsmokers remix]
Chromeo - Jelaous (Ain't with it) [Disciples remix]  ---- yes it's the same song but both mixes are sooo good
Empire of the Sun - DNA (M Machine remix)

Aesthetic pleasures

Often people don't notice it, but architecture and the way things around us are built- are beautiful and fascinating. I've found some really interesting sites with modern architecture and you can spend hours on them just scrolling through endless pictures of modern villas and unimaginable buildings.
I tjhink everyone likes to see some chic interior- maybe even fantasize about their own. If you're interested, here are some links from where I've taken these amazing photos-

Everyone has their taste. I prefer modern, minimalistic style. Clean open spaces and natural materials- combinations of wood and stone. I think it's important to bring as much daylight into the room as possible, so that makes me a fan of glass walls (maybe looking over hills and landscapes). Minimalistic decor gives a refreshing vibe and ease, much of what everybody needs these days. Also, secretly I'm a sucker for fireplaces. A cool modern fireplace can replace any kind of TV.
It would definetly be super cool to live in any of these houses. If you can dream about shoes and bags, why not dream about pools and living spaces haha
Anyway, enjoy the photos, soon I'll write about my mums' first fashion show for kids and there'll be plenty more outfit posts. Enjoy :)

Easter traditions

It's Easter morning, we all know what that means- a BIG berakfast.
Traditionally, yesterday we made Easter eggs (pisanica in croatian). First we made them out of real eggs; first you put a piece of parsley (or any other edible leaf, really) on an egg and stick it with egg-white, then you put it in an clean old stocking and boil with red onions. You can eat them afterwards.
Don't mind my brother photobombing haha

Next, we made some plastic eggs dipped in dye, well Tomo made most of them-

And guess what, I even made the cake I flopped before- the Mysterious Lady in Pink. It's sooo yummy, thank God it's small so I won't be able to eat too much of it haha

So yeah, it all ended with tomorrows' breakfast- ham, leek, eggs, horse raddish, home made bagels, fresh squeezed juice... And with today I swear it's over with the food haha
Got to get in shape soon!

Anyway, happy Easter to you all, enjoy in food and spend good time with your beloveds and see you soon :)

Culinary flop

Ever since the self proclamation of a "Chef" and the new love for cooking, I'm super psyched about everything culinary.
So today I tried to do a recipe for a cake called "Mysterious women in pink". Intrigued by the name and ingridients (berries, choccolate AND cream), I totally HAD to do it.
As usual, I've prepared everything in advance, even grouped by cooking phases haha

I should have known something was to go bad when I flopped the first egg. Anyway, things were going great until halfway through baking the first layer I realised something went completely bad- it wasn't soft or fluffy, the damn thing was hard as a rock.
So yeah, after dozen ingridients went strait to trash and a mini meltdown, I'm sorry to say that I'm probably not the masterchef I thought myself to be haha. But I still blame it on the faulty recipe!
Jokingly, the 'rock' I baked my parents decided to call Lembas bread, if there is a LOTR fan somewhere reading this, he or she will get the reference.

Beside cooking adventures and failures, today I got my new shoes from Nasty Gal (the postman is now really confused with the amount of white boxes he delivered me the last few days). They're awesome and I'll shoot them later.
I also bought Nike Air Max Lunar shoes.

I'm wearing them with Pimkie leather pants, Zara denim shirt, Michael Kors micro Hamilton bag. The bracelet is Pandora, I got it for my 17th birthday from Mum and Dad.
Me and little bro were even matching (we had to get him a pair too). In the second pic I'm wearing them on Zara leggings.

Also, here's a list of few songs I've been listening lately. I'd always been attracted to latin music- it flames some kind of passion in anyone who listens to it. Enjoy and have nice holidays :)

Spring fling & Inspirations

Spring holidays are passing and it seems these are the calmest (maybe dullest) by far.

I've baked so many cake and watched so many movies... All I'm doing is chilling, surfing the web and just having the time for myself. Barbecuing with friends, the celebration of my best friends' birthday, going out and shopping- just a glimpse of what's going on between sleeping and trying out new recipes.
I've found so many interesting things online lately, many of which inspired me (soon you'll se all the combos that came up to my mind, as soon as I get my camera back!!). Also, expect a 'details' post with all the smallest things that bring joy, soon :)

1. Sparkle

What's spring and summer without shine and sparkle?? I stublmed upon this recently on Tumblr, and it's absolutely amazing and cute. I'm crazy for boho-indie style, and this is just so simple and cute- it's from a Chanel runway show (not sure tho). Imagine this on Coachella or such, just perfect. Can't wait for some sunny weather and the right occasion to try the look.

It's a beautiful Tumblr blog dedicated to quotes, poetry and confessions. I've found such nice, inspirational quotes on there, on of them is this-
❝ As women, we are taught to be tiny. To have small bodies, to never be imposing. The ideal of our gender are thin and childlike, hairless and dainty. We are defined by our bodies; defined by our control over them. We are taught to obsess over our physicality and to be repulsed by our desires and intelligences. We are taught to walk scared late at night. We cradle our keys between our perfectly manicured fingers, walking gracefully like a baby antelope in a herd of lions. That our virginity defines our character. That I am a frigid bitch if I do not fuck him, and a dirty slut if I do. ❞
—— Michelle K., The Truth About Growing Up A Woman 

It's simple, healthy, fast done... Not to mention the cute, quirky guy who makes the meals.
The honey-cinnamon bannanas are amazeballs, as the rest of the food. For anyone who wants to eat healthy, but doesn't have the time, I present you the solution. There are many similiar sites, but this guy has an Instagram, so you can check him out anytime anywhere.

4. New shoes

Today my new Jeffrey Campbell shoes arived, and I must admit I even forgot I ordered them haha
They're really special, not usual and for gong out, but they're so special I just had to get them.

5. Small things

It's all magazines, pastel nail polish and new music! I see some chilling on the horizon...
I got my glasses a few days ago, they're from MaxMara and fit really good. The parfume is Dolce&Gabbana (I'm obsessed with their scents- got to have them all!) and rouge from Givenchy. It's actually really bright, a pretty coral color that's really more summer than spring.

6. Easter decorations

Ever since I was a kid, mum used to decorate eggs, be it plastic, wooden or even real. She would cut pieces of fabric and strings and glue them with her own design. The one with golden paint was bought in Salzburg in a market that sold exclusively hand painted real eggs- absolutely amazing! I remeber it cost a whole fortune haha so yeah, the tradition is to make a few eggs each Easter and then hand them on branches somewhere. 

Anyway, expect some food posts soon and happy holidays to you all :)

Cro A Porter

Yesterday a friend and I went to the 22nd Cro A Porter fashion show. It's always held in spring and fall, and lasts for a few days. It shows collections from very to less famous (but equaly still unique) Croatian designers. On yesterdays' repertoire were two of my favourites, Anamarija Asanović and Matija Vuica, along with Mak, Mariposa, Jet Lag, Ivanman and others.The AA collection was very colorful and bright, with flowy dresses and bright patterns.

The show was closed with the collection from Matija Vuica. She's famous for extravagant couture dresses. The collection's called 'Frontiers' and to me seems like it was partly inspired by the native Americans. The dresses were absolutely amazing and breathtaking.

These events are, as usual, a magnet for everyone who calls himself famous- the place was packed with celebrities, some dressed good while others not so good.
The atmosphere was great, with music constantly playing in the backgeound (mostly Hans Zimmerman, who I LOVE).
I'm very proud of few of my friends who I got a chance to see on the runway. The show is held in an old ex-studio hangar. The whole lot is packed with cars from old movies and still has that old vibe. Most of us didn't even know that place existed anymore.
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of what I was wearing, but it was print pants and yellow blouse from Zara matched with blue Chanel bag and Campbell heels.

Here's the link to the Cro A Porter official site if you're interested.
I made a few great videos from the runway, but the site isn't allowing me to uploda :(

Who is hiding happiness?

There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.
- Epictetus

I stumbled upon some interesting quotes today that got me thinking about todays' state of young peoples' mind. So many of my friends are in constant complaining- about school, study, money, material things, going out and so on. Everywhere you go, people are talking about how hard it is for them, how tough life is treating them... I'm sure they believe it and many people really do have tough times, but is it really worth it, to concentrate your life and toughts on short term things, rather on your state of mind?
I think it’s brave to try to be happy. You’ve gotten so comfortable being unhappy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake up in the morning and choose to be happy, to let the water wash everything away?
"Pushing daisies"

In a week, my friend from kindergarden will be turning 19, and I still remember when we were 5 and throwing ice creams at each other. Where have those 14 years since then passed? What were we doing? It's like a blink f an eye and snap- we're graduating and planning our future. It's unfair how quick you become an 'adult'. I say adult with an accent because we're not fully there yet, but just a step from being fully responsible for ourselfes.

Why hasn't anyone warned us on this? Only thing I recall from last ten years is constantly trying to be older, and now when I've reached it, I'd give anything to get back in time.
I started thinking about all the complaining, growing up and the future that is ahead. None of it we can control, so what's the point of stressing about something that isn't even happening? 
We're doing our best to reasure ourselfes that future will be good for us, but future is constantly coming and what kind of a life would be if you have to reasure yourself all the time. Right now, the main problem is getting into college. Once we achive it, next thing is getting a job, then a place to live, a car... Is life forcing us to constantly worry?
This way of living is making us give up on thing we enjoy. Less and less we get quality times. What school can teach us better knowledge than the one we ger from life experience? By forcing us to bury ourselfes in books, they are ridding us of possibilities most of us can't even imagine.
I believe true happiness is hidden in freedom of having a choice, and then having that choice leave us memories. There are no good or bad memories- every part of our life is learning and getting to know yourself. 

The anwser to the question of who is hiding happiness? We are. Each of us is the only one that can bring joy. We are in control. 
Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.
- Dale Carnegie

Love yourself and the situation you are in. There is nothing you cannot defeat- every lock has it's key and every problem has it's solution. There is nothing more important in life then enjoying it to the fullest. Who would want to look at their teenage years and wonder why the hell he spent so much time stressing. 
It's hard to get to that state of mind, but worth the try. Let go of thinking about other peoples' opinion- you are the only one who really knows your own virtues.

My last advice (or some sort) would be to never dwell on past. Everyone is saying that and I repeat; you can't change the things that have already happend. Consequences of our doing are the problem, not the past. Never look back, you're not heading that way. No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around.
Maybe the hardest thing is following your own advice, cause I'm having problem with this as well, but I'm kind of hoping that once I write it (and hopefully someone reads it), I could do it for myself as well.
Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.
- Alice Walker

You have to watch this Duracell comercial, it's absolutely heart warming :)

The W list

What I'm eating
Trying to stick to the CRAP diet- getting rid of coffee, refined sugar, alcohol and processed food. Coffee is the hardest part but it's worth doing, kinda like some kind of detox. So I'm eating mums' cooking- mostly currys and fresh fruits.

What I'm wanting
SHOES. More specific, crazy Jeffrey Campbell sneakers to die for. They're next on my list (after all the bikinis, dresses and sandals....)

Who I'm worshiping
Rihanna- the next fashion goddess. I've never really liked her before, but she's such a refreshment now. Her style is so badass, and she's doing the whole sexy-casual-dangerous-bad bitch attitude perfectly.

What I'm listening to
Darius - Espoir
Sleepless - Flume (Cosmo's Midnight remix)
Banks - Warm Water (Snakehips remix)

Who I'm following
Nicole Guerreiro. She has a great youtube chanel about cosmetics, also she's very pretty and has a great sense of humor. Find her on Instagram for cool photos.

Find me on Instagram for more nightout and food photos:

Hedonistic escape

We went on a trip today to Opatija, a romantic small town on our coast. Near Opatija is a small place called Volosko. Volosko has this old fishermen spirit- and one of the best restaurants in Croatia.
In the small square there are two excellent restaurants: Mandrach and Plavi Podrum (Blue Basement). Plavi Podrum has been there for over 100 years and has been placed within the top 100 restaurants for almost two decades in a row. We had a nice stroll to Volosko to open our appetite only to fill it with amazing and original meals made from fish and all sorts.

Appetizer was sea pate with black and green bread. Next I had prawns with feta cheese and champagne mist. I really can't remember what my parents had haha
And for main course I had fish with polenta and nettle and pumpkin sauce. For desserts we had tiramisu and sorts of cakes.

Family time is always fun, and to escape the city rush is priceless. Day was sunny for a change, which helped the mood. This isn't the first time we made this trip, last time we were there few months ago, but it was cold and very windy.
Anyway, I would definetly recomend this place to anyone. After Volosko and the romantic walk back, it's a must to check out Opatija. It's the oldest tourist town on our coast and is whole built in art nouveau style, that gives it the romantic look. 
I was wearing Zara booties and Mango shirt. Pants are from H&M new (limited, I think) collection and I'm IN LOVE with them- they're different for a change. Glasses are Dior and bag is from Accessorize. Jewllery is from H&M.

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