Who is hiding happiness?


There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.
- Epictetus

I stumbled upon some interesting quotes today that got me thinking about todays' state of young peoples' mind. So many of my friends are in constant complaining- about school, study, money, material things, going out and so on. Everywhere you go, people are talking about how hard it is for them, how tough life is treating them... I'm sure they believe it and many people really do have tough times, but is it really worth it, to concentrate your life and toughts on short term things, rather on your state of mind?
I think it’s brave to try to be happy. You’ve gotten so comfortable being unhappy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake up in the morning and choose to be happy, to let the water wash everything away?
"Pushing daisies"

In a week, my friend from kindergarden will be turning 19, and I still remember when we were 5 and throwing ice creams at each other. Where have those 14 years since then passed? What were we doing? It's like a blink f an eye and snap- we're graduating and planning our future. It's unfair how quick you become an 'adult'. I say adult with an accent because we're not fully there yet, but just a step from being fully responsible for ourselfes.

Why hasn't anyone warned us on this? Only thing I recall from last ten years is constantly trying to be older, and now when I've reached it, I'd give anything to get back in time.
I started thinking about all the complaining, growing up and the future that is ahead. None of it we can control, so what's the point of stressing about something that isn't even happening? 
We're doing our best to reasure ourselfes that future will be good for us, but future is constantly coming and what kind of a life would be if you have to reasure yourself all the time. Right now, the main problem is getting into college. Once we achive it, next thing is getting a job, then a place to live, a car... Is life forcing us to constantly worry?
This way of living is making us give up on thing we enjoy. Less and less we get quality times. What school can teach us better knowledge than the one we ger from life experience? By forcing us to bury ourselfes in books, they are ridding us of possibilities most of us can't even imagine.
I believe true happiness is hidden in freedom of having a choice, and then having that choice leave us memories. There are no good or bad memories- every part of our life is learning and getting to know yourself. 

The anwser to the question of who is hiding happiness? We are. Each of us is the only one that can bring joy. We are in control. 
Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.
- Dale Carnegie

Love yourself and the situation you are in. There is nothing you cannot defeat- every lock has it's key and every problem has it's solution. There is nothing more important in life then enjoying it to the fullest. Who would want to look at their teenage years and wonder why the hell he spent so much time stressing. 
It's hard to get to that state of mind, but worth the try. Let go of thinking about other peoples' opinion- you are the only one who really knows your own virtues.

My last advice (or some sort) would be to never dwell on past. Everyone is saying that and I repeat; you can't change the things that have already happend. Consequences of our doing are the problem, not the past. Never look back, you're not heading that way. No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around.
Maybe the hardest thing is following your own advice, cause I'm having problem with this as well, but I'm kind of hoping that once I write it (and hopefully someone reads it), I could do it for myself as well.
Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.
- Alice Walker

You have to watch this Duracell comercial, it's absolutely heart warming :)