This morning, we're going to Dubrovnik for a couple of days. I'll write about Dubrovnik later, first I need to say something about packing.
I HATE PACKING. Packing's the momet you realise you actually have much more cute stuff to wear than you thought you do. That's the moment you realise that, no matter how hard you try, there are alwys much more combinations for you to wear than that are days on your holiday trip.
So you need to make a selection, bla bla bla, who the hell can make a best selection of your clothes? I love all my clothes equally, not to mention my shoes - they're like my babies.
And at packing, there's two type of luggage - clothes, shoes and cosmetics, and then there are things you need to have by your side, hand-luggage.
It's not the best solution, but I like to have all my important things beside me (when traveling via airplane, I tend to get really stressed about losing luggage so I stuff everything beside me).
Usually I take a big bag and just fill it till it's impossible for me to handle. This time I packed a bit lightly, more smart I think haha
So what are my essentials?

First, sunnies. I like my RayBans most, even tough I packed all of them in luggage haha Next, earphones, whom I'd be lost without. It's very important to stay hydrated while traveling, so as much liquid as you can carry. I brought Arizona pomergranate, but also water. I found some architect magazines recently, they're super cool- croatian tough, but aestheticly very nice and easy to read.
A good read is what makes a journey durable. I would recomend Valentina from writer Evie Blake. It's a passionate novel, very sensual, intentse and about omen who are liberating themselves. I bought it on the way from Canary this winter and it's really good. It's a kind of a ritual for me- everywhere I travel, it's a must to buy a book like a souvenir, but also something to ease the time.
Considering cosmetics, most important is to have a good facial cream (that can be used as a hand cream, too). This Nuxe cream is excellent, very refreshing and gentle. My face tends to get very dry from airconditioning, but I guess we all have that problem. *notice hod bad my nails are chipped*
As for makeup, this time less is more. You don't want to travel all day, be half asleep most of the time and then arive to your destination half smudged and stained? I think not.
So minimum foundation and powder (MAC) - maybe just a concealer (Shiseido). I usually put on mascara (Illamasqua) and rouge (MAC) before ariving- a way to wake me up and also I really don't like when receptionists in fancy hotels look down on me cause of my tired look.
And last but not leat- food.
The big problem I almost always run into is eating so much garbage while traveling. Mum makes sandwiches, we take stops on coffee points, eat crisps, drink soda... Yuck yuck yuck. With all my recent work to stay healthy, I can't imagine myself goarging in chips and dips.
So here's the solution- I made my own firt Maison jar. For those who don't know what a Mason jar is- it's a plain jar with food in it, mostly fruits, cereal or salads. I made mine with roast leftovers from today, avocado and steemed kale- the whole jar is worth 300 calories and it's very very heatly and light. The worse is to have to travel while bloated or feeling heavy.
Also, for a snack I packed a banana and strawberries.
Here are a few good sites to check out if you're interested in clean, healthy eating, but don't have much time. They're really interesting and maybe will hit you with an idea or two-
Last but not leas, few links to songs that are on repeat lately-
Chromeo - Jelaous (Ain't with it) [Chainsmokers remix]
Chromeo - Jelaous (Ain't with it) [Disciples remix] ---- yes it's the same song but both mixes are sooo good
Empire of the Sun - DNA (M Machine remix)