Archive for svibnja 2014

Tired of this-

It's been a couple of days I've been MIA from here... It's the usual- school, study, gym, sleep. It's just three days of school ahead of me and there's still so much to do. Yesterday was the first day in a week I got a chance to breathe a little (over a Mai Tai and loud music, though).
So anyway, there hasn't been that much time to shoot combos, and I hate that cause I've been improvising some really good styles lately.
But I'm not going to be writing about clothes today, something else has caught up with my attention.
I don't know if you guys have been reading about that guy in USA that killed a bunch of people- in short, he was a rich kid and (how he said) still a 22 year old virgin, and frustrated with that fact he made a video on YouTube saying he'll kill every 'blond bitch' because that's who he blames for his lack of a sex life. And he did do it- a massacre on a campus. He was clearly insane, but what's worse is some of the comments on his video- guys joking with things like "see girls, that's what happens when you friendzone a guy", or men saying that none of this would happen if some girl "gave it to him".

I've been talking about this a lot with my friends lately, and I don't have the stomach to write about it, but I've found out about a so-call movement over the Internet- girl tweeting under the hashtag #YesAllWomen and then writing something that really just goes straight to the heart. Plus that there's a lot of other writing and work I've seen, so here's a few-

“1. Because a woman brought into this world will inevitably be given pepper spray “just in case.”

2. Because by sixteen, a young girl knows how to avoid being sexually assaulted, while a boy of the same age does not fear sexual assault in the slightest.

3. Because a girl who mocks men is a bitch, and a boy who mocks women is joking.

4. Because a girl who has sex is a slut, and a boy who has sex is a man.

5. Because in a murder, the killer is at fault, but the blame of rape is often put on the victim.

6. Because we teach girls how not to get raped instead of teaching anyone simply not to rape.

7. Because a woman should put more clothes on if her outfit makes a man uncomfortable, because his self control is her responsibility.

8. Because feminists just need to chill out.

9. Because a 22 year old sex-obsessed virgin can murder 7 people, and the problem is that someone should’ve just slept with him.

10. Because not all men are predators, but yes, all women are prey.”
(via floralfilm)

There really isn't much to say here, anyone with a decent mind will see what's wrong. I'm only sad that there's still that kind of mentality in people- about the woman body.
Media isn't giving this problem much attention. It should be discussed about far more than it is. The media covered Kim Kardashians wedding dress for half and hour and only briefly mentioned this in 'other news'. 
People should be informed more and more aware- that's our problem.

Candy in my hair

Going through Instagram and Tumblr I've noticed a new trend that may he aproaching us on the horizon- candy colored hair.
First I saw it on RiRi- how she perfectly rocked pink soccer-mom hair. It's the worst haircut for women (in my opinion), but ofcourse, she worked it right.

And let's not even talk about her clothes- flawless as ever. I mean, who could ever wear Chanel slippers with this gorg pink blouse (A.Wang I think) and still look cool? And combining pink fairy hair with pink nails and a pink Givenchy? Ugh, love love love.
Next is Kylie Jenner. Now, I'm not a fan of the Kardashians (I'm the anti-fan actually), but the girls do set up trends, and I adore Kylie's new look (even with her new lips). She first played it safe with ombre and blond highlights, but there's something captivating about this green color. She has amazing clothes, and wears this style perfectly with her new hairdo. I even thought of cutting my hair like this, but it was only for a moment haha

And there's a lot more of other celebs dying their hair in all color of the rainbow; like Kesha and girls from Little Mix-

My opinion- it's cute and refreshing, certainly something new. I think it goes best on shorter hair, it stands out more. I'd maybe do something like this if I were older (and had shorter hair), but for now I'll keep my hair uncolored. I've never dyed it before and don't plan on doing it for some time now. Hair color and bleach ruin the hair structure, and I like my hazel color. 
Anyway, this new trend is a definite win- for anyone brave enough to wear it. 


It's amazing how I haven't eaten grilled food for almost a year, and this weekend I've been eating it every day!

Mum wasn't feeling like cooking, so we went to a small grill place called Rougemarin. It's located in a working, business area, so guests are mainly business people. It wasn't anything fancy, rather cute and refreshing.The place had an artist displaying his work all over the place, which I always like- that kind of things always lighten up places and restaurants.

Food was classic- grilled meat, grilled vegetables, grilled EVERYTHING.
But they had pretty damn good desserts, I had choco-raspberry-cream cake that was heaven for the taste buds. Below is lemon tart and a nut brownie.

Walking on palms

My new shoes from arrived a week ago, and I hadn't had the chance to wear the until today. I like them for their unusual print- the model is very popular, every store has their version of them with snake or vichy print, but I haven't seen palms yet haha
We went out for lunch, so I got a chance to snap a few photos-

I'm wearing Zara blouse, Sisley jeans, Michael Kors bag and sunglasses, necklace is from Ebay, watch Tommy Hilfiger, H&M bracelet and shoes

Mum's wearing Zara pants and blouse, Privileged shoes, Chanel bag and Michael Kors watch and sunglasses.
I'm usually not a fan of big bags for coffee and lunch, but we went to the movies later so I had to bring sandals with me (shoes are comfy but not enough to watch something for 3 hours in them).

Papa's Burgers - American dream

Yesterday, as I said, a friend of mine was celebrating her birthday and took us for burgers. The restaurant is super cute- it's located on Tuškanac, a part of the center that's know for it's older clubs that our parents went to, and an old movie theater that's still working and maintaining a retro look.
The grill is a place made in heaven for young people, and for a chill atmosphere. It's decorated in a retro american style, and has a million pictures of different people, famous events and history all throughout the place. It offers all kinds of burgers and homemade fries- like I said, a perfect getaway for young people wanting some mouthwatering goodies.

We sat on the terrace for hours- it was so hot we couldn't move. We had big Papa's big burgers and home made potatoes, and later cheese cakes and chocolate souffles. 

There's something about grilled food and hot weather- it isn't anything fancy, but you get so relaxed in that kind of atmosphere, and after a couple of InCiders you feel like seventh heaven.
It was great fun and a perfect way to end a school week. There's only just ten days of school and we're super-stressed so I think this little escapes should happen more often. 
Happy birthday Karla, again, thanks for the lunch! :)

Little long black dress

It was +30 degrees Celsius today- very unexpected! The heat combined with school = long dresses. There's nothing better than a comfy, breezy dress for a Friday afternoon.

I'm wearing a black H&M dress, Zara denim shirt, leather bag with rivets from Munich (really can't remember the store I bought it in), Nike AirMax, necklaces from H&M, bracelets from Kamena Duga and sunglasses are Michael Kors.
I really like the trend from the nineties that's coming back to life- to tie up a shirt around your waist. It gives a combination of retro, boho - grungy look.
A friend celebrated her birthday so we went to an American Grill called Papas for some really good burgers, but I'll post about that tomorrow.

Strawberry blush

It's been a week since my last post and I'm so so sorry- it's been a really busy period for me, and it still is. All I've managed to do was study, eat, sleep - repeat.
It's strawberry season, and who doesn't LOVE strawberries?? They're my favorite fruit, unfortunately I'm also allergic to them, I get some rash on my hands. But I still eat them, then I stop for a while until the allergy disappears, and eat them again haha
We made a strawberry cake, which was so delicious and refreshing- perfect for this weather. And we made banana choco-chip cookies (that were gone in two days).

Also, what's new is that I declared NO to shopping for makeup. Mum and I realized we have enough makeup to last us two years. Just look at all these blush (and it's just for the summer) -

The Clarins (top, left) and Chanel (right) highlighters are from last summer, but still good. My favorite is Chanel in the middle and Inglot (bottom, left). Chanel is so cute for a daily fresh look, and the Inglot has a lot of sparkle and shine, so it's perfect for going outs and romantic looks. Others are variations of the same, Dior is great in quality, aswell Clinique, Artdeco and Dessange.
I'm trying to achieve a fresh, glowy look these days, so less powder and more highlights and golden, peachy tones.

A really cool quote-

I design clothes because I don’t want women to look all innocent and naïve…I want woman to look stronger…I don’t like women to be taken advantage of…I don’t like men whistling at women in the street. I think they deserve more respect. I like men to keep their distance from women, I like men to be stunned by an entrance. I’ve seen a woman get nearly beaten to death by her husband. I know what misogyny is … I want people to be afraid of the women I dress.Alexander McQueen

Lazy Monday

Sleep, study, school, gym, study, sleep... Why are school days so boring?? It's yet another lazy Monday and I'm sleeping through the day, STILL getting better from the Friday's nightout.
In the mean time, I found some interesting artsy stuff so take a look -

When fashion imitates nature and art-

- whoever made this needs more credit, it's pretty dope (Y)

What I'm watching-
This hilarious cartoon called Bob's Burgers. There are no words to describe it, just take a look.

And here are some pics from Friday- I was wearing a plain yellow Zara dress with mesh up front and plenty of golden rings. Shoes are from but I can't really remember the brand- they're super comfortable and cool with the weird stiletto (or whatever it's called). We got some glow-in-the-dark bangles and I LOVE glow-in-the-dark bangles! They always make you stand out in dark crowds, I used to buy them and wear the out sometimes, but that got old a bit nowadays.

These 'going out' photos are alway funny- I can't ever remember taking them haha And I just hate lavatory pictures, but these are the only ones you can see something from, other are just too dark or are failed selfies, like this one haha

Talk soon, gotta go study some more ;)

Saturday traditions

It's sort of an tradition, that in Saturday noon everyone goes to the center and sits for hours on terraces drinking coffee. The dress code is to be fancy, so everyone's chic and you get to see some cool combinatons. I must say, girls (and boys) of Zagreb really do know how to dress. All sorts of photographers take pictures of people, and publish on different street style sites.
Today it was really sunny and hot, and a friend and I went out, and guess what- they photographed us. And in the most embarassing moment, while I was eating haha

I feel like a dork while looking at these photos- something's not right haha Anyway, I needed the walk this morning, we went out last night and stayed too long, so I was all fuzzy this morning (and the rest of the day...).
I was wearing Pimkie leather pants, Zara dress that's too short to be worn as a dress yet (it's for summer), Mango suede jacket, Guess leather bag, Dior sunglasses and Jeffrey Campbell cut out boots.

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