Tired of this-


It's been a couple of days I've been MIA from here... It's the usual- school, study, gym, sleep. It's just three days of school ahead of me and there's still so much to do. Yesterday was the first day in a week I got a chance to breathe a little (over a Mai Tai and loud music, though).
So anyway, there hasn't been that much time to shoot combos, and I hate that cause I've been improvising some really good styles lately.
But I'm not going to be writing about clothes today, something else has caught up with my attention.
I don't know if you guys have been reading about that guy in USA that killed a bunch of people- in short, he was a rich kid and (how he said) still a 22 year old virgin, and frustrated with that fact he made a video on YouTube saying he'll kill every 'blond bitch' because that's who he blames for his lack of a sex life. And he did do it- a massacre on a campus. He was clearly insane, but what's worse is some of the comments on his video- guys joking with things like "see girls, that's what happens when you friendzone a guy", or men saying that none of this would happen if some girl "gave it to him".

I've been talking about this a lot with my friends lately, and I don't have the stomach to write about it, but I've found out about a so-call movement over the Internet- girl tweeting under the hashtag #YesAllWomen and then writing something that really just goes straight to the heart. Plus that there's a lot of other writing and work I've seen, so here's a few-

“1. Because a woman brought into this world will inevitably be given pepper spray “just in case.”

2. Because by sixteen, a young girl knows how to avoid being sexually assaulted, while a boy of the same age does not fear sexual assault in the slightest.

3. Because a girl who mocks men is a bitch, and a boy who mocks women is joking.

4. Because a girl who has sex is a slut, and a boy who has sex is a man.

5. Because in a murder, the killer is at fault, but the blame of rape is often put on the victim.

6. Because we teach girls how not to get raped instead of teaching anyone simply not to rape.

7. Because a woman should put more clothes on if her outfit makes a man uncomfortable, because his self control is her responsibility.

8. Because feminists just need to chill out.

9. Because a 22 year old sex-obsessed virgin can murder 7 people, and the problem is that someone should’ve just slept with him.

10. Because not all men are predators, but yes, all women are prey.”
(via floralfilm)

There really isn't much to say here, anyone with a decent mind will see what's wrong. I'm only sad that there's still that kind of mentality in people- about the woman body.
Media isn't giving this problem much attention. It should be discussed about far more than it is. The media covered Kim Kardashians wedding dress for half and hour and only briefly mentioned this in 'other news'. 
People should be informed more and more aware- that's our problem.