Lazy Monday


Mondays are 'blah' kinda days- with school in the morning and sooo much work to do there's no time even to breathe... So here are some things I found in those few minutes of spare time.

Dope artist Samantha French, she works with oil on canvas-

-Find her at this link

Some quotes, some inspirational and others plain cool-

“Men categorize women in one of four ways: Mothers, Virgins, Sl*ts and B*tches. Of course none of the above is suitable for the modern business woman. But you can create your own image by selecting pieces of each archetype that work for you… Wisdom of the mother. Integrity of the virgin. Sexual attractiveness of the sl*t, and the independence of the b*tch. This leaves men confused and unable to pigeionhole you. What they are forced to do instead is take you seriously.”
- Syrup

“Consider your reaction the first time you sipped a beer or tried spicy food. Was it tasty? Unlikely. Our bodies are designed to reject alcohol and capsaicin, the compound that creates the sensation of heat in spicy food. Our innate reaction to these acquired tastes is to reject them, and yet, we learn to like them through repeated exposure. We see others enjoying them, try a little more, and over time condition ourselves. To avoid the cognitive dissonance of not liking something in which others seem to take so much pleasure, we slowly change our perception of the thing we once did not enjoy.” 
 - Nir Eyal

“In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice.”
 - Marquis de Sade