Smart phones and dumb people


A friend of mine shared a video from Youtube today on Facebook. It gave me tears and chills- how truthfully it spoke about the today's generation of people blinded with screens.

It got me thinking about some things, like Facebook and he fact it's normal to have a thousand friends online and maybe 5 or 6 in person. Or how you maintain contacts with so many people, and still feel like nobody really knows you.
I remember a few years ago when it was the hype to chat with a dozen people at the time, and hang out with tens of diferent people. Now, I've cut down my circle of friends to the minimum, but people are still trying to have 20 best friends all at the same time. We are blinded by the facade of likes and nice comments, thinking that they matter and make people best friends, when really it's all virtual and doesn't mean a thing to the person sitting in front of the other computer.
I've been having some problems with my phone and lost the Internet for some days now- so I'm witout Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, Cloak etc. I was paranoid the first day, mostly subconcsiously, from the idea that I'm gonna miss important messages and things like that. When in real, if someone wants to tell you somehing important- they will call you. If someone wants to hear from you and has you dear- they will meet you.
I miss the time when we didn't have the need to photograph and share our every journey, nightout or outfit- it's like things like that don't matter anymore if we didn't share it with others online.
My little brother of 8 years is now fantasizing about getting an iPhone, and soes not realise when we try to explain to him it's not for him- he's too small. He's confused because his other friends have them. He doesn't know what he'd do with it, he just knows he's got to have one. 
We carry out phones glued to our hands, frighting to leave them cause there's something important we'll miss.
It's critical how badly we've become obsessed with our screens and monitors. We are worshiping our online selfes, with pictures we edit to look better than we do in person, or with comments and quotes that make us seem the we want other to perceive us.
I could go on for hours with this- watch the video, it's not long. Maybe you'll get some motivation to put the phone down when walking the road, or to shut it from time to time :)

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