Lazy Monday


Sleep, study, school, gym, study, sleep... Why are school days so boring?? It's yet another lazy Monday and I'm sleeping through the day, STILL getting better from the Friday's nightout.
In the mean time, I found some interesting artsy stuff so take a look -

When fashion imitates nature and art-

- whoever made this needs more credit, it's pretty dope (Y)

What I'm watching-
This hilarious cartoon called Bob's Burgers. There are no words to describe it, just take a look.

And here are some pics from Friday- I was wearing a plain yellow Zara dress with mesh up front and plenty of golden rings. Shoes are from but I can't really remember the brand- they're super comfortable and cool with the weird stiletto (or whatever it's called). We got some glow-in-the-dark bangles and I LOVE glow-in-the-dark bangles! They always make you stand out in dark crowds, I used to buy them and wear the out sometimes, but that got old a bit nowadays.

These 'going out' photos are alway funny- I can't ever remember taking them haha And I just hate lavatory pictures, but these are the only ones you can see something from, other are just too dark or are failed selfies, like this one haha

Talk soon, gotta go study some more ;)