A quickie with no photos


The last 48 hours were frantic- my friends and I celebrated my (upcoming) 18th b-day. I'll be 18 in a week though, but most of my friends (and probably me too) will be gone on vacation so this was the last that I got to put them all together.
We celebrated at a party house; place put in the middle of nowhere that had a pool and loud speakers. We ate a lot, drank a hella lot and partied until dawn. Most fell asleep in the morning (mostly because we got back from our school trip the day before, and God knows we haven't slept a night there either). 
It was so so much fun and I love my friends for it! Thank you all for the great great night!
I got some really cool and beautiful pressies, but I'll get the most on my real birthday. People think I'm bullsh**ing when I say this, but it's so true- the best presents I can get from my friends are the awesome memories I got and the fun time my friends gave me.
 Since I'm still all groggy and tired (slept 20 hours in the last 24 hrs - woke up only to watch GOT and eat a bit)- I'll post pics from my gifts some other day. Unfortunately, I only have a few pics from the celebration, most are blurry and not for public eye. There's a video and maybe I'll post it haha
Anyway, I'll write soon! School's over so I don't have much to do. I plan to do a lot of reading and prepping for college next year, also there's a potential plan to start running and exercising more, so keep up 'cause that'll be some of later subjects I'll write about ;)