Step by step and hidden messages in water


It's so funny how life can be unexpected, or maybe it's fate, I don't know. Anyway, I took another step in the Web-world and got a column on a web portal dedicated to young people and photography. I write two times a week and use my own photos. They wrote a welcoming post about me- link. It's on Croatian though, but if you're interested but don't understand, simply translate the page :)

Among other things that are new, I've found a book I want to get in physical form (not Kindle) because it's full of images and it would be just beautiful to hold it. It's from a Japanese author called Masaru Emoto. For many years, he experimented with water and worked on an idea that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. He believed that water takes on the "resonance" of the energy which is directed at it, and that polluted water can be restored through prayer and positive visualization. In other words, humans can effect through emotions on the way water turns to crystal. The book is filled with photographs of water crystals and every photo is described with the song or word that has effected on the crystallization. 

("I'm sorry")

For example, on the left crystal they were resonating the word "hate", while on the right crystal they were resonating "happiness". You can see the difference and the beauty of the crystal that was affected with a positive word, while the one that's effected by hatred wouldn't even crystallize. There are hundreds of other pictures, like crystals affected by music, like this one- 

There are also a lot of images of water from different parts of the world, like images from lakes before and after earthquakes, or from polluted or untouched areas. Maybe it's just our imagination and all of this is pure coincidence, but imagine if it were true- that our emotions, even the frequency of our voice (that is caused by feelings), determine how water would turn to crystal or its molecular structure at all. 
Experience it how you please and find your own explanation- the book is called "Hidden messages in water". It can also be found as a pdf and word version.